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Big Six


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 Posted - February 22 2009 :  2:04:36 PM Link directly to this topic  Show Profile  Add taycotrains to Buddylist
I picked these up today at Allentown....

Continental Special (Blue Box Set)

Little Trains Set # T-3

What I like about these early sets is if you keep the box you never lose the instructions .

and finally I bought one loose boxcar...

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 Posted - February 22 2009 :  2:06:26 PM Link directly to this reply  Show Profile  Send catfordken a Yahoo! Message  Add catfordken to Buddylist
hi bt fantastic lot,all boxed as well a real sets for the future ken
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MM 1498
Big Boy


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 Posted - February 22 2009 :  2:18:53 PM Link directly to this reply  Show Profile  Click to see MM 1498's MSN Messenger address  Add MM 1498 to Buddylist
"Power-Mizer Alnico Motor"???
Cool uncoupler, I've been looking for one that can uncouple X2F couplers...

Very nice finds, do you run the sets you get, or shelf 'em?

- Matt -
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Big Boy

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 Posted - February 22 2009 :  2:46:53 PM Link directly to this reply  Show Profile  Add shaygetz to Buddylist
Cool...I used to make my own uncouplers with Christmas ornament hanger wire. Gonna hafta see if I can still do that...
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Big Six


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 Posted - February 22 2009 :  2:58:10 PM Link directly to this reply  Show Profile  Add taycotrains to Buddylist
I ummmmm...."shelf em"...as a matter of fact there already put away.

We don't have much of a layout here...my son really likes to run his Bachmann DCC stuff on his little layout.

I just enjoy collecting nice boxed sets...I know this drives some folks nuts.

I would probably be better off collecting stamps I know

I look at it this way if I ever decide to rip up my 8x12 O gauge layout I will be all set to build a tremendous TYCO / MANTUA / LITTLE TRAINS pike that
would have done Mr Tyler proud !

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 Posted - February 22 2009 :  3:07:15 PM Link directly to this reply  Show Profile  Send catfordken a Yahoo! Message  Add catfordken to Buddylist
nothing wrong with collecting,otherwise where would we all be getting our mint items from?,ken
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Big Boy

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 Posted - February 22 2009 :  3:25:01 PM Link directly to this reply  Show Profile  Add GoingInCirclez to Buddylist
Man, you Allentown locals have all the fun. Nice finds. I bet there's tons of loose "unminty" stuff there that's even more fun to dig through.
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 Posted - February 22 2009 :  3:45:59 PM Link directly to this reply  Show Profile  Add ABE to Buddylist
Hi Tony,
Allentown is a fun show & there are quite a few Tyco table holders there, one table has a lot of boxed tyco sets, cars & etc , Anatol is there usually with very nice boxed cars, sets & etc , another table usually has a lot of Tyco, flyer, varney Penn Line & seems to always have a set of the later Mantua Alum Passenger cars in sets, this show he had a Mantua Union Pacific Passenger set which was NIB, had all cars except the dome car & it sold on Saturday, there is about another 4 guys who always have some tyco along with there items, Allentown draws a lot of people they had 3,400 people come thru the doors by 11:00 am on Saturday & in spite of the economy things were selling, we sold almost all of the Custom painted HO cars & engines on Saturday, there are a lot of good shows here in this part of the country, there are a few more shows comming up next month, smaller but usually good shows, York will be here in April & there is usually always Tyco boxed sets there but the prices are very high, when I was in AZ there were only a few meets a yr there , the North East is the model train country, I would pick Allentown show for the best for Tyco if anyone would want to pick a show to travel,
Todd was there & he might have a comment on the show as well,

Abe Schwartz
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Big Six


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 Posted - February 22 2009 :  3:49:46 PM Link directly to this reply  Show Profile  Add taycotrains to Buddylist
That is very true GIC !!!

I just cruise the aisles looking for the "standout" red,white and yellow
Tyco set boxes and decide from there whether or not I am interested after glossing over the contents...if it looks fairly complete I show interest and the dealing begins...I seem to do exceptionally well when you have postwar Lionel dealer that "picked something up" and just wants it off his table.

but back to your point....

There is tons of the "under the table stuff" to be had if you want to sift
through it at Allentown.

There is also a lot of the on the table unboxed stuff to look at too !

Great example...Anatol had a beer box full of Varney freight cars.
They were complete and there was 15 in all...there was a bay window caboose in the lot too same one as the one discussed in a thread here this week...his asking price was $45.00 and I'm sure he would have done better...if I was "chasing" Varney stuff I would have went for it.

Allentown is a great show IMO


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Big Boy


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 Posted - September 21 2024 :  10:08:44 PM Link directly to this reply  Show Profile  Add wks to Buddylist

Very nice
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