Posted - July 25 2007 : 5:39:52 PM
Refreshed for July 4th 2009 / REFRESHED 3-9-10 FOR TIFFANY
This post is to help all identify the different variations of the 1776 saga in one post from TYCO. I have all known pieces at time of this except for the 1st issue of the 76 box cars in reverse color scheme. I do have 3 variations of the second run. All 5 different 76 known caboose variations also. There are 5 different loco variations. The numbers that are posted and photographed are from the boxes the items came in. There may be other variations unknown-if you have any-post with pictures. My collection of these began in 1979. Through ebay-i acquired the rest and found one rare caboose in 76 livery from tyco. So here goes-------
2nd variation 76 boxcars. Believe these to be the run after 1 st issue as the back of the boxes have color tyco pictures. These have car data printed on them. They are long striped also and have open stirrups. Finish is non gloss
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd variation--B-- These are next after the 2nd issue. These do not have car data and are dated on back of the box 1975. These are short striped and have solid stirrups. to date-not seen a long striped version of these although it may exist. Non color pictures of tyco accessories on back of box. REVISED-THESE WERE THE LAST ISSUE--THANKS G-I-C FOR THE INFO
3rd variation--A-- These were issued in 1976 in a three pack-could not find boxes as they are in storage but they are the same as above boxes. These have open stirrups long stripes and no car data and finish is non gloss. i purchased these in 1979 new. The GATX font is more bold on these than ones above also. These were issued after the car data ones.
Footnote- The graphics are painted on in the 1st and 3rd photos and the 2nd set is decaled. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Caboose variations. The first issue of the 76 caboose has the following number on the box 327X:350. This number is different than any other Tyco 76 caboose box i own. Car data on caboose is as follows=FEC76870 in blue stencil and stripes can be in reverse color as i own one of each. Metal ladders and railings on end platforms. These cabooses can have the following data also= SLSF 1776 BLT7-58 in blue stencil-no known reverse stripe(reverse stripe is where the red is on the end of caboose instead of blue) . it is not known if a SLSF in the version with metal ladders and railings exist. These are Mantua/Tyco cabooses. Tyco cabooses in this livery have a box number 327-35 on the end and have plastic railings and ladders and the underside has a pattern where the mantua/tyco is smooth. Tyco's version has SLSF 1776 data in black stencil WITHOUT BLT7-58. Unknown if Tyco did a reverse stripe or FEC76870 in blue data as the example i own is mantua/tyco with metal ladders and railings. Some of the caboose boxes i have came from sets and have a plain white box with out any numbering. The example i own without stars on the stripes came in a box like that. It is the only one known to exist and i purchased it new off ebay this year. If there are others-they have not shown up.
Tyco caboose top/mantua/tyco caboose bottom box
no stars on stripes-- no number on box
reverse striped mantua/tyco caboose
SLSF 1776 BLT7-58 data caboose
FOOT NOTE--The reverse stripe caboose appears to be lettered only in FEC76780 data-blue ink. added 8-14-07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
76 LOCOMOTIVES-The first Issues Bi-Centennial from Tyco/Mantua was the Presidential lettered seal loco with "President Of The United States around the seal. This loco is box number 244:1800 which identifies it as the lettered presidential seal loco. All other boxes of the 76 seal loco begin with 244 only. The first was supposedly recalled as Tyco did not have permission to print the seal with president of the united states on it. Its been rumored that tyco was contacted by authorities to stop using that seal and use the seal without letters. No one knows the real story on it-but there are the lettered seal versions still in existence. The loco can be identified by the following-The seal with the president of the united states wriiten around it--red-white-blue-roof line(All others have a solid dark blue roof) dark blue stripe around the front of nose(All others have Spirit of 76 seal on front and no stripe) US flags under cab window with dark blue stripe at end of each flag(all other versions have the flags only and no stripe). Motor for the 1 st issue was the Mantua MU--The later Tyco versions had the PowerTorque. The slant of the stripes are at a different angle on the lettered version than the plain seal locos. Paint shade varies also. The 3 versions are as follows-!st issue-presidential lettered seal -MU Powered -Multi stripe roof line-stripe on front of nose -stripe before and after flags-screw on fuel tanks underside and mantua tyco stamped on metal weight between tanks. 2nd release-MU powered- solid dark blue roof line-non lettered seal-round spirit of 76 decal on front of loco nose-no stripes after or before flags - screw on fuel tanks - mantua tyco stamped between tanks. 3rd issue-Power Torque drive-spirit of 76 round seal on front nose-fuel tanks and weight snap into body and have made in Hong Kong stamped on bottom between tanks. No reverse color varitions on stripes known to exist. Do not know if there is a multi-color roof striped without the lettered seal. lettered seal version boxes
Left loco is mantua powered non lettered seal version-right is lettered seal version-both mu powered. tyco power torque is same as left photo
power torque version box with number
Roof lines = left unlettered seal--right=lettered seal
LAST BUT NOT LEAST-TYCO'S SUPER SPIRIT OF 76 ALCO 630. Only version known in this paint scheme. Solid blue roof line-non lettered presidential seal-flag under cab windows-round spirit of 76 seal on nose-PoweTorque drive. A favorite among collectors and hard to find in mint condition
all 3 box car variations /tyco/forum/uploaded/Brianstyco/76-24.jpg[/img
ADDED 8-14-07--= Just recieved this loco- TYCO# 244-1600 FACTORY SEALED-mantua drive-no spirit of 76 round seal on front nose / stripes across roof / re-issued non letter seal / solid white number boards on rear / mint unopend handrail kit / original box with the number. I hand wrote the number also as the original is hard to see on box. Box is early tyco as back has color pictures of accessories. I WILL BE REVAMPING THIS POST SOON AS I HAVE ANOTHER BOXCAR VARIATION COMING MAKING IT A TOTAL OF 4. PICTURE OF BOX
VARIATIONS ON BOXCARS = 5 ADDED 8-9-07 BELOW IS A PICTURE OF ALL 4 BI-CENTENNIAL BOXCARS I OWN. EXAMPLE USED IS WASHINGTONS CROSSING. I HAVE PUT THEM IN ORDER OF POSSIBLE RELEASE BASED ON CAR GRAPHICS / DATA. THE ONLY ONE NOT PICTURED IS FIRST ISSUE WHICH I AM SEEKING THE WHOLE SET : This is the new car added to my collection of the 76 collection /variations by Tyco. This should be the 2nd issue after 1 st based on the graphics. Notice in the Horse graphic the U.S. flag is missing and the other releases have it.
2nd pic of car
all 4 variations in order of release.
Top 2 cars in order of release
Bottom 2 cars in order of release
Edited by - Brianstyco on April 05 2010 11:14:41 PM
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Posted - July 25 2007 : 6:55:45 PM
Could this be a fourth? Multi-colored roof line, Mantua Tyco stamped bottom, no blue nose stripe or markings, non-lettered seal...and a drive unit that sounds like a blender that I can't get apart to fix cuz it's riveted[V]
Another dumpster bound rescue that I'd like to remotor because of the condition and metal handrails...one of those round tuit thingies. 'Til then, it rests quietly in my showcase, looking a lot better than it runs.
Posted - July 25 2007 : 7:02:05 PM
Hats off dude! Nice little write up there. Will you and GoinginCircles be dueling off now? LOL
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Posted - July 25 2007 : 7:46:37 PM
Interesting reading Brian. I've never seen the official Presidential sealed So76 up close, and have never seen the caboose without the stars or knew of it's existence. I might have to print this for my personal notebook. Thanks
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Posted - July 26 2007 : 11:26:13 AM
Very Good! Excellent Info!
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Posted - July 26 2007 : 1:33:31 PM
Huh, looks like I was wrong about the tri-domes having the only sequential reporting marks in Tyco, then. I don't have any of these cars yet myself. But I guess the tri-domes would still be the longest series?
Good info Brian! I only have one suggested correction: Your two sets of boxcars with open steps should predate the ones that are filled. Once Tyco filled in on the molds, that was that. I know you said you bought them new in 1979 but I would guess they were "NOS" even then.
Their markings are also consistent with earlier runs, with the full-length stripes. The big difference is car data. When the steps are filled, the stripes get shorter. AND the paint quality improves! I doubt both longer stripes AND open steps AND crappy paint would all have been simultaneously re-run later on.
Still, I had no idea these cars existed with data. I guess someday I'll get around to building a set.
Edited by - GoingInCirclez on July 26 2007 1:35:41 PM
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Posted - July 26 2007 : 4:30:26 PM
Thanks Tony Cook,-G-I-C,Alco Fan,Shaygetz,and I luvbudwsr.--BudMan-no dueling with G-I-C--- L-O-L. Shaygetz-thanks for your contribution to this post. I though there was one multi stripe without seal but not sure. i went back and corrected and revised. As with any Tyco post-Time will reveal any more mysteries-just when we think we have it all of one-something out of left field shows up. This forum has brought the fun back to model railroading for me. Yes--I like and have the new stuff--but Tyco to me is very addictive and fun.
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Posted - August 09 2007 : 7:05:04 PM
Does that factory sealed one have handrails to be added ala Athearn? Nice updates, I can't imagine keeping up with all the variations.
Posted - August 10 2007 : 05:33:25 AM
Verwy interwesteen data... I gots dat TYCO'S SUPER SPIRIT OF 76 ALCO 630... butt, it's 1800 miles from my hannds! MA MA!
p'ease send twains..., ma ma...
I don't have a one track mind. It depends on the turn-out. "I love your catenary!" Is that a power-trip or just another pick-up line?
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Posted - December 03 2007 : 8:38:03 PM
Brian, I came across a Spirit of 76 Saturday 12/1/07 in a showcase at a flea market with caboose. Asking price was $100.00 and I didin't pay much attention to it due to the price. Should I go back and seek more details. It looked new but was not in a box. Terry
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Posted - December 04 2007 : 05:37:11 AM
quote:Brian, I came across a Spirit of 76 Saturday 12/1/07 in a showcase at a flea market with caboose. Asking price was $100.00 and I didin't pay much attention to it due to the price. Should I go back and seek more details. It looked new but was not in a box. Terry
Originally posted by Terry - December 03 2007 : 7:38:03 PM
Hi Terry--check your email as i sent you your answer. Brian
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Posted - December 04 2007 : 1:06:30 PM
Great post! Regarding the question about the SLSF caboose coming with metal rails/ladders, I have one, seems to be all original--I'll verify again tonight.
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Posted - December 04 2007 : 8:20:20 PM
Hello All--it's Adams--I have a different sign-in on my home computer, and haven't figured how to make it the same as the other.....Anyway, I have two S.O. 76 cabooses-- 1) FEC 76870 with blt 7-58 metal handrails and ladders, blue stripe in front 2) SLSF 1776 metal handrails and ladders, red stripe in front.
Anything unusual here?
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Posted - December 05 2007 : 05:38:29 AM
quote:Hello All--it's Adams--I have a different sign-in on my home computer, and haven't figured how to make it the same as the other.....Anyway, I have two S.O. 76 cabooses-- 1) FEC 76870 with blt 7-58 metal handrails and ladders, blue stripe in front 2) SLSF 1776 metal handrails and ladders, red stripe in front.
Anything unusual here?
Originally posted by trnpatcher - December 04 2007 : 7:20:20 PM
You have one caboose in standard color scheme and the other caboose with the Red stripe to rear is the reverse scheme which is not common. See pictures above.
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Posted - December 06 2007 : 12:39:28 AM
Very enjoyable reading and informative Brian. If I can, I wanted to add my "data point" to your listing. I bought (and still have) the group of 3 as a boxed set of 3 in June '75 (Yes, I know - I have the date written inside the boxes, as well as the price - $5.86 for the three).
Anyway, the boxes have end flaps printed like your variation 2, but the backs don't have photos but product drawings. Also of the set of three, Washington's Crossing has car data (variation 2), but the other two don't (variation 3a).
I'm not sure what this can tell you other than Tyco would mix and match as the mood struck them.
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Posted - April 12 2008 : 7:18:02 PM
It's very hard to win these boxcars at auction they're very sought after. They're graphics are bold too.
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Posted - July 19 2008 : 11:35:25 PM
Won this off ebay and recieved today. This a RARE and may be the only one in existence in this scheme. This NON Star locomotive in Bi-Centennial color is mint. It has never been ran until i tested it today. It has the Fang style coupler pockets which puts this around 1973-1974 and has 1` st generation power torque motor. It is a Mantua/Tyco shell with screw on tanks. The 1776 on rear of loco is in different font than later issued loco's and the Presidents seal is also different. This loco matches the caboose i won over a year ago with out stars on it. See photo's below of loco
Edited by - Brianstyco on July 19 2008 11:38:32 PM
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Posted - July 20 2008 : 10:20:27 AM
Terrific find Brian! I'll bet there's still an smile on your face, there would be on mine. Also "Good Eye" to spot this and bring it home! In light of the facts and the decal this is an undeniable "Rare Bird"
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Edited by - Alco Fan on July 21 2008 11:32:41 AM
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Posted - July 26 2008 : 09:58:17 AM
It's been 5 days since you posted the "rarest" of the So76 pics and all I can say is what a great find, this is significant! Way to go Pal! [:D]
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Posted - July 26 2008 : 10:38:26 AM
Hey Brian:
Did you get Railings with it? Does anyone remember when railings were included with the 430/630 kits?
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Posted - July 26 2008 : 5:02:23 PM
quote:It's been 5 days since you posted the "rarest" of the So76 pics and all I can say is what a great find, this is significant! Way to go Pal! [:D]
Originally posted by Alco Fan - July 26 2008 : 09:58:17 AM
Thanks AF!! I never thought i would find this to match the caboose.
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Posted - July 26 2008 : 5:05:06 PM
quote:Hey Brian:
Did you get Railings with it? Does anyone remember when railings were included with the 430/630 kits?
Originally posted by romcat - July 26 2008 : 10:38:26 AM
No railings with this one. I have several packs of 430 railings though and a few 630 railings. The early to mid 70's Tyco loco's had metal handrails before they went to el cheapo plastic ones.
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Posted - September 23 2008 : 10:18:41 PM
Well as it happens I finally got a set of the original "long stripe, open step" cars. But one of them is yet a new variant:
Look closely.... the roadnumbers should be different, as they are on Brian's. But I have two #85762's. The Minutemen car should be #85760! But the faded GATX mark and incorrect number is repeated on both sides.
The later, short-stripe & gloss version I have IS #85760.
No complaints, although I wasn't even looking for this. Plus as a bonus I got this car with the set too:
That one is actually duplicate for me, but I don't have either of the other two early ones! So I will trade it for either those if someone has one... otherwise it is going on ebay soon as part of my pre-move blowout.
Edited by - GoingInCirclez on September 23 2008 10:21:10 PM
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Posted - December 11 2008 : 10:56:53 PM
A few weeks ago I was visiting a cousin and he gave me a group of mostly beat up Tyco. However in the midst of the group was this car. After looking at it I saw that it is another of the Minutemen cars with the wrong car number. Just thought I would post this for comparison.
Edited by - sbenny on December 11 2008 10:59:00 PM
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Posted - December 12 2008 : 9:11:12 PM
Here the tender says Spirit of America, but the sticker on the center of the boiler said Spirit of 76. So I guess this means that this train got alot of spirit. frank
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Edited by - toptrain on December 12 2008 9:29:57 PM
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Posted - March 02 2009 : 09:33:01 AM
coooool have a Spirit of 76 AHM caboose made in Taiwan also says safety first
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Posted - March 09 2010 : 9:51:38 PM
What about the F7? I picked up two in a box lot at a show this weekend. One is TYCO, made in Hong Kong. It's missing the power truck. The other, same markings and the "1776" number board is TYCO, made in Austria. There were enough parts to put it together, but I haven't tried to get it to run yet. As you noted, the seal (but not the Presidential Seal) is a decal and they're a bit beat up.
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Posted - March 09 2010 : 10:31:54 PM
quote:What about the F7? I picked up two in a box lot at a show this weekend. One is TYCO, made in Hong Kong. It's missing the power truck. The other, same markings and the "1776" number board is TYCO, made in Austria. There were enough parts to put it together, but I haven't tried to get it to run yet. As you noted, the seal (but not the Presidential Seal) is a decal and they're a bit beat up.
Originally posted by Helm - March 09 2010 : 9:51:38 PM
I didn't include the F7's or steam locomotives as i own none and know of no variances on them and to my knowledge aren't as popular to own as the 430's. While they are Tyco and part of the 76 line - The value on these is very low too. The F's came out long after the first seal with lettering was issued. No known lettered seal version exists. Other HO manufacturers at the time also did 76 - but not like Tyco's offerings. Bachmann - in my opinion - has the next best 76 themed cars AS far as Hong Kong and Austria on bottom - Some of Tyco's locomotives came from both countires - not uncommon in 70's. All of Tyco's trains sets i reiceived during that time - the track - tru-steel -was all made in Austria even track i purchased at stores was Austria produced until sometime in the 80's they switched to Hong Kong production from what i can remember.
Edited by - Brianstyco on March 09 2010 10:39:34 PM
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Posted - March 09 2010 : 10:51:49 PM
I had heard that there was a variation of the SO76 boxcar that production was halted on because of an "obscene" image and you can clearly see it in these photos.
In sbenny's photo and in the "3rd Variation A" photo, it looks like the Minutemen are...well...excited to be there, if you get my drift! You can see the difference when you look at the "3rd Variation B" photo and compare.
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Posted - March 15 2010 : 9:58:44 PM
Just finished watching a set of FIVE of the ALco 430's on Ebay, 4 engines and one shell only, 4 were the later seal, and one was the "rare" brown winged seal. I think they sold for about $56 for the 5 pieces.
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Posted - April 05 2010 : 10:27:37 PM
quote:I had heard that there was a variation of the SO76 boxcar that production was halted on because of an "obscene" image and you can clearly see it in these photos.
In sbenny's photo and in the "3rd Variation A" photo, it looks like the Minutemen are...well...excited to be there, if you get my drift! You can see the difference when you look at the "3rd Variation B" photo and compare.
Originally posted by 59Chevy - March 09 2010 : 10:51:49 PM
Wow, I never heard of this change to the Minuteman car before, but looking at the photos I can see what they were talking about. Anyway, after reading this and seeing what the difference was, I decided to take a look and see if my Minuteman car was the before or after version. First I thought it was the "after" version, then I thought "no, thats the before version". Then it was, "wait, just what do I have?" Some of the older photos on this thread are missing, so I'm not sure, but... it looks like a version that is neither before or after. I checked both sides, and they match. Plus I am the original owner of this car, so I know no modifications were made to it. Take a look and let me know... is this another oddity?
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Posted - April 05 2010 : 10:51:26 PM
SBenny - The only oddity you have is the car is numbered wrong - You car is second variation released w/o reporting mark data - capy data wt info. The wrong number of 85762 makes yours valuable in the sense the factory applied the wrong number - should have been numbered 85760. As far as the graphic - it is the "controversial one" but is correct for car though and was changed shortly after
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Posted - April 05 2010 : 10:57:32 PM
You missed what I was pointing out (I think). The 3 minutemen on this last photo are not of the same design. The first two are the original version, and the one on the right is the new version. All the other photos I saw showed all three as before or after, not a mix/match situation. Unless I missed something (which I could have). Let me know.
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Posted - April 05 2010 : 11:06:11 PM
You missed what I was pointing out (I think). The 3 minutemen on this last photo are not of the same design. The first two are the original version, and the one on the right is the new version. All the other photos I saw showed all three as before or after, not a mix/match situation. Unless I missed something (which I could have). Let me know.
Originally posted by sbenny - April 05 2010 : 10:57:32 PM
i now see the difference in the 3rd man - for one the graphic is more bold in color and his head is different - yes you definitly have a version i don't have - That is GREAT though - i know of no other car like that - I will have to look over mine again on all the graphics and make an addendum to my video on the so76 boxcars including your photo if you don't mind. Credit will be given to you in video. Brian
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Posted - April 05 2010 : 11:46:41 PM
Not to further muddy the water (but what the heck), if the obscene version of the Minutement was made first (as would be assumed), and then they removed that part of the graphic, that seems to go against what has been asssumed for the manufacturing order of the cars. You can see in your photos at the top, that the car with the reporting numbers has the appendage removed from the minutemen. But then the car with the reporting marks removed (which was assumed to be made after the cars with the reporting marks) has the appendage back, which seems really unlikely. Perhaps the cars were made without the reporting numbers on the sides first, and when the appendage was removed the reporting numbers were added. As for the final (short stripe) version, those were decals if I understood correctly. Perhaps when they made the decals they ignored the reporting numbers at that point? Just a theory, I have no real proof that is how the manufacturing went.
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Posted - April 06 2010 : 8:46:45 PM
IN case anyone's interested - a reverse-color Spirit of 76 caboose on Ebay, $8 no bids right now.
Just found a second reverse-color caboose, only at $3 no bids yet.
I won't be buying them...just a heads-up
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Edited by - AMC_Gremlin_GT on April 06 2010 8:49:43 PM
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Posted - May 01 2010 : 4:02:56 PM
quote: Just wanted to a write a thanks, as I got the second car you mentioned in your post, at the minimum bid. Now if I can get an original Washington's Crossing car, I will be set.
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Posted - September 12 2010 : 12:43:28 AM
I just got this ALCO 430 Spirit of 76 a few days ago off of EBAY. It was listed as new in box, but was not new although it is in very good shape cosmetically It also runs fairly well most of the time, but sometimes starts making some noise from the motor area and slows down. It may end up needing a new motor if I run it much.
I contacted the EBAY sell and she offer to let me keep the train and give me a full refund. I did not want to take advantage of the woman so I told her to refund a little over half of what I paid and she agreed. I guess she does not know trains, since she was very nice and said she did not do it on purpose.
It came with the rails on but I removed them to clean the train a little and try to get good pics of the Seal on each side. It does not have the front 76 decal and looks like it never did. I have pics with the rails off and again after I reinstalled them. Both seal are fine. One looks like wear spots near the top, but that is just the light reflecting.
I cleaned the contact wheels with very fine steel wool and oiled the axles, motor bearings and drive gears as best I could. The motor is riveted together so I can't easily disassemble it.
Both of the couplers were broke off upon receiving the engine, one during transit. these are riveted in the the coupler box so I drilled out the rivet, removed it and am contemplating whether I want to install knuckle coupler or horn hook couplers.
This is Pic 1 with the rails off
This is Pic 2 with the rails off second side
Now the rails are back on
Other side with rails back on
Front (obviously)
Bottom so you can see the truck and the motor type
Motor close up
Rear pickup truck
Seal first side (the parts that look possibly worn are just a reflection)
Seal second side (the parts that look possibly worn are just a reflection)
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Posted - September 12 2010 : 12:49:50 AM
I forgot to mention that I have one of these more common versions without the rails, blue on top and the Power Torque motor and it runs much better. The Power torque one does not make any noise it is not supposed to and accelerates and slows very smoothly in forward and reverse.
I am selling the Power Torque version on EBAY but if it does not sell I may keep it due to its smooth operation. The Seals on it have some damage though.
I also have two TYCO Spirit of America 4-6-0 Steam locos and they are both different. One has rounded smooth sand domes without any ridges, the other has ridges like the previously posted here. I will take pics of them at some future date and post them Right now I have on torn apart because I have been caring the traction wheel around with me trying to find new traction tires. I finally bit the bullet and order a pack on 10 from Model Power, the current owner of Mantua products.
Edited by - vansmack on September 12 2010 01:19:21 AM
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Posted - September 12 2010 : 01:41:41 AM
well I'd post mine but everyone has seen them already
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Posted - July 12 2011 : 12:48:39 AM
Hey guys just opened a box in the basement and found a super spirit of 76, along with a boxcar, and a cabooze. Along with many other boxcars. Anywho just wondering what they would be worth? All are in good shape but no boxes. railing on loco the metal handrail is there but the plastic things are not paint and decals on all are perfect. Boxcar is 3rd variation wshintons crossing, and the cabooze has slsf 1776 in black. Any help would be appreciated. kewl trains but im an rc guy
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Posted - July 30 2011 : 12:07:00 PM
Fantastic! Just As informational as Your Videos. And If No One has noticed, He Is watchnu2 on Youtube
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Posted - December 16 2012 : 4:13:02 PM
Hi, thanks for the informative post.
FYI. I will be selling a Presidential seal locomotive model #244:1800 along with a model#327x:350 caboose (one with a reverse red stripe). Also a red 50' Minuteman box car model #362A. All in used condition. Thanks.
Watch for javacharlie on ebay today or tomorrow.
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Posted - July 27 2016 : 9:31:50 PM
I also have the third edition of the Spirit of '76 Tyco loco 4301 with the blue roof line. I'd like to know if this loco was issued without grab-irons. Also I'd like to know where one may obtain grab-irons for the third edition Alcoa Century 430 diesel loco? Thanks. Rusty
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Posted - July 29 2016 : 08:19:44 AM
quote: Also I'd like to know where one may obtain grab-irons for the third edition Alcoa Century 430 diesel loco? Thanks. Rusty
Originally posted by WRustyLane - July 27 2016 : 9:31:50 PM
Rusty, those grab-irons are going to be hard to find. They are not reproduced that I know of, so you will either have to cannabilize another engine, or find the set of railings at a train show. Good luck with either one of those optons. :) Or you can make your own.
Jerry, train repair tech, Virginia
" When life throws you bananas...it's easy to slip up"
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