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Big Six


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 Posted - October 20 2007 :  2:16:55 PM Link directly to this topic  Show Profile  Add taycotrains to Buddylist
Well I returned yesterday from my semi annual trip to the TCA Eastern Division Meet in York Pa.

This is some of the stuff we picked up on this trip.

First off its Xmas morning 1976 all over again.
My brother received this set that year but I seem to remember it having a gulf tanker???...anyway this set had a asking price of 55.00 and my kid asked the seller if he would take 50.00 and he agreed.

The factory shrink wrap is now off and he is enjoying it...all he really wanted out of the set was the wrecker and boom car.

Next I picked up this item for myself this was on ebay before I left
for York.

And the shrink wrap is not coming off this one !

Im really looking for the set I got for Xmas 1968 with the Genoa V&T
loco but these are the cars that came with the set so far now Im settling for the Bowker. This set cost 38.00 with the shipping.

Interesting add on set...AHM had specific instructions for there customers on how to collect trains back then (back of set)

At least one item every week ? OK fine I will do that!

Next we finally got our first 60s era red box set.
A "Red Bird East" ...Im not sure of the year but the
Service Station listing is dated 3-63 and it had no track and only
one filler box and the loco just had a cardboard wrapper no box
as seen in the picture.

The set box is very rough....

and this is its contents...

This was found under a Lionel postwar dealers table...he was asking 60.00 and we settled on 45.00.

The next set is a red box set that came at the end of the day as part of a 4 set package.

The box reads "Mammoth of the Rails" it came with no track or pack and no filler boxes. The Service station listing is dated 4-65 again I dont know if the contents are correct the set box is so so.

Contents below...

Again not the best but I love the look and quality feel of the enclosed locomotive....asking price for this set was 90.00.

The second in the package was another version of the
"Red Bird East" the SS listing is dated 3-61 and this set looks to be complete and has a strong box came with track and one little filler box.

Contents below...

Things are looking up a little with this set...it had a asking price of 125.00.

Next set is my favorite of the 4 but Im biased because as far as Im concerned there was only one railroad in the world "The Pennsylvania"
I have been modeling it in O gauge for the last ten years !
The set is the "Pace Setter" Eastern the SS listing is dated 3-61
and it has track with a strong set box there is also some paperwork for the power pack that was bought for this set (K&F Industries Philadelphia
Pa) This indicates this set was ran at one time but played with very gently.Also no filler boxes are in this set because it nests on its own
with the contents.

contents below...

Asking price was 125.00

The 4th and final set is a no name set but represents my all time
most hated railroad The Penn Central !

The set is still shrink wrapped so Im not going to access any paperwork that might be under the boxes.I guess its safe to assume this set came out somewhere between 1968 and 1970.(post merger PRR AND NYC)
This is a complete ready to run set with T&T Lots of filler boxes are used to shore up the contents in this set.

Contents below....

Asking price was 90.00

So to wrap it up the 4 sets added up to 430.00 I asked the dealer for a package price and he came up with 350.00 for the 4 sets I did not question it and paid him.

As a aside this dealer had a interesting item a very early Tyco Blue box
set in a finished cabinet that had 2 train sets in it .
Asking price was 400.00 I would have liked to have had a picture of it to show everyone but The Eastern Divisions antiquated rules do not allow
cameras in the halls so no pictures.

I could have went for it but decided to go for the bulk purchase to get my Red box collection underway.

All of the above stuff plus some AHM loose boxcars and IHC 2-8-2
Mikado and some scenic materials I went for about 460.00 bucks

Despite what AHMs advertising dept wants me to do Im going to take a
little break now and slow up a little and start cataloging what we have purchased in the last 4 months...I wish I did this 25 years ago when I started collecting O gauge trains.

Theres nothing worse than standing over a table and asking
"do I have that ?" buying it than going home and finding months later you now have two of something.

Sorry for the long post

Bob Taylor

 Country: USA  ~  Posts: 385  ~  Member Since: August 08 2007  ~  Last Visit: October 10 2023 Alert Moderator 

Big Boy

Mint Silver Streak

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 Posted - October 21 2007 :  11:12:46 AM Link directly to this reply  Show Profile  Add Brianstyco to Buddylist
What a haul you pulled from that show!!!!!!! Way to go. Those are some nice sets. I like the B&O F units in that one set.
 Country: USA  ~  Posts: 2507  ~  Member Since: January 31 2006  ~  Last Visit: October 21 2017 Alert Moderator  Go To Top Of Page

Big Boy

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 Posted - October 21 2007 :  11:56:44 AM Link directly to this reply  Show Profile  Add Adams to Buddylist
Excellent post! No apologies needed for length. I did O.K. this weekend, albeit on a MUCH smaller scale.... A local hobby shop here in Dallas caters mostly to Lionel and other O scale. However, they have a back room full of old H.O. that has been traded in over the years which they pretty much are trying to get rid of--make an offer. I've pretty well picked through it over the last several weeks, my best find being an ATSF Mikado and 5 car Santa Fe streamliner set all still boxed. Yesterday, I came home with 1) Baby Ruth reefer 2) Santa Fe red box caboose (can't have too many of those!) 3) Virginian brown box caboose 4) Amtrak coach, and 5) NIB, shrink wrapped 80's Mantua Reading GP 20 with Mu2 motor...with screw-attached bottom plate and brass bearings....wish the older ones had this! Total price for all...$28.
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Big Boy


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 Posted - September 21 2024 :  10:09:47 PM Link directly to this reply  Show Profile  Add wks to Buddylist

 Country: USA  ~  Posts: 6917  ~  Member Since: February 12 2014  ~  Last Visit: February 15 2025 Alert Moderator  Go To Top Of Page
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