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Author Previous Topic: Basket Case Rides Again Topic Next Topic: Mantua Plymouth Yard Diesel problems  

Big Boy

Penn Central Logo

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 Posted - March 24 2020 :  8:31:45 PM Link directly to this topic  Show Profile  Add Chops124 to Buddylist

So, she was shelved for about five months this winter, I take her down, blow the dust off her and turn
on the volts. Well, the tender drive worked well enough, and the traction tires looked solid, but she would
barely creep while her motor was howling. The locomotive, as it turns out, is supposed to be free wheeling, as
with a lot of these older British pieces, but she was stiff as a wedge.

First tried removing bits of lint, that didn't help, so I carefully opened up her chassis to lube the axles directly.
Oy, that's when things went south. I greased, I cleaned, no improvement, then trying to reassemble the chassis
it was like a Rubic's Cube. The brass pick ups tangled into the drivers, soldered connections, whispy to begin with, broke, a bearing block mounted on a spring resisted all attempts to reassemble.

Had to requarter the drivers a mm at a time, never quite right, the drive rods bound up. Finally, I called it.

Going to put it up for sale, $25 plus shipping. Some clever person can fix it, but it isn't me. If interested, will sell two pristine pullman coaches at $10 each.
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