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 My TYCO G.I. Joe Train Set is Nearly Complete!
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RP model railroads
Big Boy


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 Posted - May 02 2019 :  9:07:14 PM Link directly to this topic  Show Profile  Add RP model railroads to Buddylist
Many of you following my latest progress on RETRO TYCO will recall when I mentioned how I snagged a good deal on an incomplete lot of Tyco G.I. Joe Train Set parts a little bit ago.....

Well, over the past weekend, I surprisingly won another lot of incomplete TYCO G.I. Joe & A-Team train set parts for only $27.53, shipped!! The box just arrived in the mail today, and here's what I got:

All-in-all, I got the Tyco G.I. Joe switcher, as well as another caboose, flatcar, gondola, and tank car - most in this lot needing major repair and all owned previously by an owner that did get quite "sticker crazy."

In addition, I also received:

4 A-Team enemy tanks
4 A-Team enemy JEEPS
1 G.I. Joe tank
1 Cobra Enemy tank
1 G.I. Joe troop transport vessel
1 G.I. Joe helicopter (missing parts)

- as well as a large bunch of blue enemy soldiers from the A-Team set, and a few G.I. Joe "green" troops & Cobra Enemy Dark Blue troops (note: interestingly enough, I could easily distinguish both the Cobra tank and troops from the A-Team enemy forces due to the fact that the Cobra blue is a darker/navy blue.)

In analyzing the "black" A-Team figures that were included in the latest G.I. Joe haul...I realized that I finally obtained MR. T. (B.A.), as well as the 2nd black A-Team paratrooper (I got the first one a long time ago with my partial A-Team set!!!!!) Now, all I need is "Face" I think, to complete my Tyco A-Team Train Set figures...

So...after the removal of the extra stickers, cleaning, brand-new horns and couplers, and lubrication to the gears, the G.I. Joe Tyco switcher is running well, and looks awesome!

Likewise for each of the G.I.Joe train cars...using the cars I had gotten in the previous lot about a month or so ago, I was able to assemble the following complete train cars - after removing excess stickers and cleaning of course.

The gondola I had originally gotten in the first G.I. Joe lot needed a stepladder, so I broke one off the rather worn gondola obtained in this lot, and glued it on the "good" US Special Forces gondola.

I am very pleased with the fact that I now have the complete Tyco G.I. Joe train set - thanks to some restoration - as well as a mint helicopter, troop transport vessel, and 1 G.I. Joe tank & 1 Cobra tank. I would like to obtain further elements of this excellent Tyco train set, but I will just have to keep on searching.

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven." - Matthew 5:16

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Big Boy

Penn Central Logo

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 Posted - May 03 2019 :  1:29:08 PM Link directly to this reply  Show Profile  Add Chops124 to Buddylist
Fabulous collection.
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Big Boy


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 Posted - May 03 2019 :  3:38:16 PM Link directly to this reply  Show Profile  Add microbusss to Buddylist
the Cobra tank is running away

Worst I needs is a replacement engine for my set
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RP model railroads
Big Boy


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 Posted - May 03 2019 :  10:22:42 PM Link directly to this reply  Show Profile  Add RP model railroads to Buddylist
Thanks guys!!
"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven." - Matthew 5:16

Youtube Channel: www.youtube.com/rpmodelrailroads

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rp_model_railroads/
 Country: USA  ~  Posts: 4669  ~  Member Since: August 11 2017  ~  Last Visit: July 20 2023 Alert Moderator  Go To Top Of Page
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