Posted - May 02 2019 : 9:07:14 PM
Many of you following my latest progress on RETRO TYCO will recall when I mentioned how I snagged a good deal on an incomplete lot of Tyco G.I. Joe Train Set parts a little bit ago.....
Well, over the past weekend, I surprisingly won another lot of incomplete TYCO G.I. Joe & A-Team train set parts for only $27.53, shipped!! The box just arrived in the mail today, and here's what I got:

All-in-all, I got the Tyco G.I. Joe switcher, as well as another caboose, flatcar, gondola, and tank car - most in this lot needing major repair and all owned previously by an owner that did get quite "sticker crazy."

In addition, I also received:
4 A-Team enemy tanks 4 A-Team enemy JEEPS 1 G.I. Joe tank 1 Cobra Enemy tank 1 G.I. Joe troop transport vessel 1 G.I. Joe helicopter (missing parts)
- as well as a large bunch of blue enemy soldiers from the A-Team set, and a few G.I. Joe "green" troops & Cobra Enemy Dark Blue troops (note: interestingly enough, I could easily distinguish both the Cobra tank and troops from the A-Team enemy forces due to the fact that the Cobra blue is a darker/navy blue.)

In analyzing the "black" A-Team figures that were included in the latest G.I. Joe haul...I realized that I finally obtained MR. T. (B.A.), as well as the 2nd black A-Team paratrooper (I got the first one a long time ago with my partial A-Team set!!!!!) Now, all I need is "Face" I think, to complete my Tyco A-Team Train Set figures...

So...after the removal of the extra stickers, cleaning, brand-new horns and couplers, and lubrication to the gears, the G.I. Joe Tyco switcher is running well, and looks awesome!

Likewise for each of the G.I.Joe train cars...using the cars I had gotten in the previous lot about a month or so ago, I was able to assemble the following complete train cars - after removing excess stickers and cleaning of course.

The gondola I had originally gotten in the first G.I. Joe lot needed a stepladder, so I broke one off the rather worn gondola obtained in this lot, and glued it on the "good" US Special Forces gondola.

I am very pleased with the fact that I now have the complete Tyco G.I. Joe train set - thanks to some restoration - as well as a mint helicopter, troop transport vessel, and 1 G.I. Joe tank & 1 Cobra tank. I would like to obtain further elements of this excellent Tyco train set, but I will just have to keep on searching. 
"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven." - Matthew 5:16
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Posted - May 03 2019 : 1:29:08 PM
Fabulous collection.
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Posted - May 03 2019 : 3:38:16 PM
the Cobra tank is running away 
Worst I needs is a replacement engine for my set
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Posted - May 03 2019 : 10:22:42 PM
Thanks guys!!
"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven." - Matthew 5:16
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